
Manningtree Hawthorn is under development. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information, images and artist’s impressions on this website and associated documents are accurate, changes may be made over the duration of the development without notice.

General Conditions of Use of this website

This website has been developed and is administered by Uniting AgeWell.    Access to and use of the Manningtree Hawthorn website is subject to conditions listed below.  Please do not use this website unless you agree with these conditions. Uniting AgeWell reserves the right to discontinue or to make partial or complete modifications to this website or to the General Conditions of Use. Please note that we may make such changes at our own discretion and without prior announcement. We must therefore ask you to view the conditions each time you visit this website and to note any changes or amendments that may have been made.

Surrender of use and benefit

With the exclusion of Google Maps, all details, documents and illustrations published on the Manningtree Hawthorn website are the sole property of Uniting AgeWell. Any permission to use the same is granted on the proviso that: the relevant Copyright / Disclaimer Notice is displayed on all pages (see footer, or click here for link to Copyright / Disclaimer Notice); that such details are not exploited commercially; that the details are not modified in any way; and, that all illustrations gained from the website are only used in conjunction with the accompanying text.

Limited liability

Uniting AgeWell has compiled the detailed information provided on this website from internal sources to the best of its knowledge and belief, using professional diligence. We endeavour to expand and update this range of information on an ongoing basis. The information on this website is purely for the purpose of presenting Manningtree Hawthorn and its services. No representation is made or warranty given, either expressly or tacitly, for the completeness or correctness of the information on this website. In particular, we must ask you to be aware that this information may no longer be up to date. We therefore recommend that you check any information you obtain from this website prior to using it in whatever form. Advice given on this website does not exempt you from conducting your own checks on our latest advice and on our services, with a view to their suitability for the intended processes and purposes. Should you require any advice or instructions concerning our services, please contact us directly. Users of this website declare that they agree to access the website and its content at their own risk. The user will agree to indemnify and hold Uniting AgeWell harmless for any damage or injury resulting from access or the impossibility of access or from the use or impossibility of use of this website or from the fact that you have relied on information given on this website.

Links and other websites

This website contains links/references to third-party websites and several websites may have links to the Manningtree Hawthorn website. By providing such links, Uniting AgeWell does not give its approval to their contents. Neither does Uniting AgeWell accept any responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites or any liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of such contents, of whatever form. Links to other websites are provided to website users merely for the sake of convenience. Users access such websites at their own risk.

Material on this website

Uniting AgeWell makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy or fitness for purpose of any Material.  Uniting AgeWell does not warrant or represent that the Material will not cause damage, or is free from any computer virus or any other defects or errors.  Users will indemnify and hold us harmless for any damage arising from use of the Material, however caused. Images used on the Manningtree Hawthorn website, whether they be of people, places or events, do not necessarily represent the views of Uniting AgeWell.  Uniting AgeWell retains the copyright on all text, graphic images and other content on this website.